All Free Today!!!
This Intro to Imagery session will introduce you to the ever-powerful concept of "imagery:" what it is, how it works, and when to use it! If you move in any capacity (which I hope you do!) this could be the key to unlocking that freedom and vitality you thought you'd lost (also, it's fun!).
We do things a little differently around here....
I have been working in the fitness industry for over 20 years now. I started out in group fitness (Spinning and BodyPump were my favorites!), moved to Pilates (first mat, then equipment), and now specialize in Franklin Method.
Through most of those years, I was taught static anatomy: I knew all the muscles, joints, bones... but not how they moved in relation to one another. The problem is, people aren't static when they exercise! An education without the ability to practically apply it will always fall short– and that's where the Franklin Method came in. For the first time in my 20 years of teaching, I started to consider the body in movement; and not just muscles and bones, but fascia, organs, tendons, & nerves as well. It changed everything for me, and I believe it can do the same for you.
The truth is, there were a lot of rules with Pilates that just didn't feel right in my body, but I had bought into a methodology that didn't encourage questioning or self-reflection. The rules were the rules and if something felt "off," it's because you were the problem. The instructor's word was king, not yours; and if your personal experience differed from the prescribed result, you were wrong.
I now disagree: I believe you have the capacity to be your greatest teacher. I believe your body's signals are there for a reason and can be trusted to guide you if you're willing and able to listen. That's where I come in :)
I am here to help you understand your body like never before; to show you how your body is designed to move and "hack" the brain to make that movement better than ever. Franklin Method doesn't replace your favorite movement methodologies, it's the key to experiencing them fully. You have the ability to guide yourself towards a life of organic and balanced physical freedom: you just need to learn. Let's do so together <3