
Why just survive when you’re meant to thrive?

I remember a conversation with my husband years ago and I said, “I’m tired of thinking about how things could be worse… I’m ready for them to be better”.

Why do we accept the status quo in regards to our breathing? At its essence, we DO require breathing to survive…. but let’s not stop there…..

from a baseline health standpoint, breathing influences our entire system including blood pressure, and heart rate variability, levels of O2 vs CO2 (CO2 isn’t such a bad thing…)

bring in the higher level things that aren’t just icing on the cake … things that influence our lives on a daily basis…. anxiety, pelvic floor health, decision making ability... the list goes on....

let’s bring a focus back to the breath and allow this to bring positive change both physically and emotionally

you have the ability to heal yourself…

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